
2025 Student Fees

For tuition, board and meals:

$12,256 per year ($3,064 per term). Payment plans are available. These figures include GST.

Financial Support for Students

Youth Allowance is a form of government support of which many Augustine Academy students have been beneficiaries. From January 1st 2024, the maximum Youth Allowance payment is $639 per fortnight, which may be paid for the approximately 20 fortnights commencing in the first week of Term 1 and ending in the final week of Term 4. There are factors which may affect this amount and there are other forms of support that may apply to one’s situation. The best way to estimate the amount is to use the government’s own calculator here: https://www.centrelink.gov.au

Assuming the maximum Youth Allowance payment for the whole academic year, a student could receive support equal to 20 x $639 = $12,780. The amount is usually increased from January 1st each year to account for inflation.


Augustine Academy will offer bursaries in 2025 funded by donors who want to make it possible for students to go to Augustine Academy who otherwise could not. These bursaries will be needs-based and include an assessment of academic aptitude. More information will be available later this year.