Augustine Academy

Our Vision

Aristotle said, "All men by nature desire to know." The chief aim of the Academy is to cultivate a love of learning. Students will see learning as an exciting pursuit of the Truth, not merely as a means to a job.

The Academy's secondary purpose is to give students a pathway into university. By studying the liberal arts at Augustine Academy, students will be formed in both their faith and education. This will equip students for further studies at secular universities.

Augustine Academy

Our Campus

Situated in a remote and beautiful valley at the confluence of two Snowy Mountain rivers in New South Wales, Australia, our rural campus offers pristine natural beauty amongst the verdant deciduous trees lining the river bank. The natural beauty of the Academy invites our students to experience the goodness of the created world and to reorient their minds to the transcendentals of truth, beauty, and goodness that form the basis of our studies.

The campus affords a myriad of outdoor activities including:

Bush Walking, Canoeing, Swimming Rock, Climbing, Caving, Mountain Biking, Fishing, Archery.

Agricultural initiatives include the following activities:

Milking the Jersey Cow, Making Yogurt, Butter, and Cheese, Sausage Making, Honey Extraction, Bread Baking, Vegetable Growing, Gathering and splitting of Firewood, Carpentry Projects.

Augustine Academy

Course Information

Augustine Academy offers a one-year course in the Liberal Arts. The core disciplines, history, literature and philosophy, are studied over the course of the year, alongside additional subjects in grammar, logic, rhetoric, debating and drama, with the option to take electives in theology and agriculture.

The core disciplines are integrated in such a way that students study the ancient Greek and Roman civilizations in history, alongside the literature of that period from writers like Homer and Virgil, as well as the classical philosophers like Plato and Aristotle. The course will proceed in this way through to the present day.

Students may choose to take only elective subjects, but these would not contribute towards a Certificate IV in Tertiary Preparation.