Drama and Debating

Ben McCabe

Culture and Creativity

Drama is the study of the human condition through acting and the creating of a story and a character apart from oneself. Theatre was invented by the Ancient Greeks and forms an integral part of the discipline of the liberal arts. At Augustine Academy, students participate in the production of an end of year play. They practice the craft of acting and the delight of combining truth, beauty, and goodness for the purpose of entertainment.

Debating is the art of argument through the use of rhetoric. Rhetoric is the third discipline in the Trivium and is the practical application of the study of logic and the use of rational and critical thinking. Weekly debates are held on a wide range of topics in order to develop the students’ proper use of argument.

  • Build confidence and self-esteem

  • Improves communication and cooperation

  • Drama is great for concentration and memory

  • Appreciation for Art and Culture




Students have weekly drama classes where they practice for the end of year play. In past years students have performed productions such as Princess Bride, Twelfth Night, Peter Pan, Pride & Prejudice and A Midsummer Night's Dream.



Weekly debates are held on a wide range of topics. It is an opportunity to utilize the skills learned in logic and rhetoric as well as develop one’s capacity to think critically about particular topics.